Discover, the foremost magazine of the islands of Saint Martin - Sint Maarten & Saint Barthélemy.
For more than thirty years, Editions Rosdal has worked to communicate, through different media, the image of the two sister islands, Saint-Martin and Saint Barthélemy.
Representing both a high-end magazine and a product showcase, throughout 30 years of publication in Saint-Martin and 20 years for the Saint-Barthélemy edition, with each passing year, Discover Magazine has succeeded in invoking an image of discovery, of luxury and of tropical dream locations.
Throughout its pages and its original, high quality and in-depth articles, enhanced by breathtaking photography, both clients and readers, from every corner of the globe, discover our two islands.
The success of Discover Magazine just cannot be ignored and 100 000 copies are distributed to visitors year-round in hotels and at strategic locations around the island.